"...results are more profound..."
This massage takes place on the floor, and is performed on a large mat. The client is fully dressed in loose clothing, such as exercise pants or yoga attire. Acupressure, massage, and stretching are applied systematically throughout the body. The restrictions of client draping and the limitations of the table are removed, making this massage the most beneficial for restoring proper range of motion. This also allows for the biggest stretches, with the greatest variety. Thai stretches are much like Hatha yoga stretches, which is why it is sometimes referred to as “Thai yoga massage”. The therapist will carefully work within each client’s limitations, expanding on them gradually, in subsequent sessions. This massage is more vigorous than most. Even though, the massage may be more intense, the results are more profound, often ending in a much deeper state of relaxation. A typical session lasts ninety minutes, but a two hour session is not uncommon.
$120/90 min.
A Very Healing and Effective Experience
Heated basalt stones are used to glide, massage, and apply deep pressure to the muscles of the body. Stubborn trigger points seem to melt away effortlessly under the warmth of the stones. Any time that stiffness is felt would be the right time for this massage, but might be best enjoyed during those cold winter months. This therapy is contraindicated for those who are pregnant or have high blood pressure. Hot stones are a good option for both relaxation and therapeutic work.
$105/60 min.
Treatment is Designed Around the Injury or Problem
When addressing the body therapeutically, the treatment is designed around the injury or problem area. Some examples of when a therapeutic massage would be beneficial are: sciatic pain, ankle strains, knee problems, lower back pain, shoulder or rotator cuff pain, whiplash or neck stiffness, migraines, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, scoliosis, TMJ syndrome, bulging, degenerative, or herniated discs, fibromyalgia…basically, most pain as a result of nerve, tendon, muscle, bone, or scar tissue can be helped through a therapeutic massage.
$80/60 min.
"...strictly relaxation..."
A relaxation massage is strictly relaxation, without any therapeutic work or goals. The pressure is usually light to medium. Soft music plays as your muscles are gently tended to. A great massage for reducing stress, and improving conditions associated with high stress.
$80/60 min.
"...reduce stiffness..."
The same as a relaxation massage, but deeper pressure is attained through the application of varying techniques, and the use of forearms, elbows, and fists. Even though this massage is not as specific as a therapeutic massage, its aim is to reduce stiffness in muscles and provide an overall feeling of deep relaxation.
$100/60 min.
Helping the Body Heal Itself
The practice of reflexology isn't a new age trend. In fact, it dates back in Egyptian culture to at least 2,330 BC, and in the orient to approximately 4,000 BC. This ancient art is believed as an effective way of treating dysfunction within the body.
Specific areas on the feet or hands have been found to be reflective of organs, glands, muscles, and bones. Appropriate pressure to to these reflex points stimulate blood flow to the corresponding structure elsewhere in the body. Every single part of the human anatomy has been mapped out on the tops and soles of the feet. The reflexologist stimulates the reflex, but it is your body that does the healing.
$80/60 min.
"...relax tired feet..."
This is an invigorating foot massage designed to relax tired feet and bring about mental and physical health. Acupressure and massage techniques, applied to the foot and lower leg, are utilized to remove knots, restore better movement to the foot and ankle, and stimulate reflexes to the organs and structures of the body. Ideal for the young and old. The only requirement is that the feet must be clear of foot or toenail fungus.
$80/60 min.
"...another layer of healing to your therapy."
Essential oils are used on the skin directly, or mixed with the massage lotion, to treat your body’s problems. Different blends are used for specific ailments. They are useful for addressing muscular and joint pain as well as reducing mental and emotional stresses. These aromatic oils have medicinal properties and compliment treatments for internal and external conditions. Essential oils add another layer of healing to your therapy.
Add to any massage $10
"...for healthy function and fast healing."
The placement of hands on, or directly above the body in attempt to help improve energy’s flow throughout the body. Energy is focused through the practitioner and directed into the client. It aids in opening minor and major chakras, removing blockages along the meridian system, and improving vitality. It is believed that a strong flow of energy in the body is necessary for healthy function and fast healing.
$20/20 min.
"...release tight muscle fibers, and ease fascial binding."
Special cups designed to create a strong vacuum are used to help restore circulation, release tight muscle fibers, and ease fascial binding. Cupping can cause bruising in the first few sessions, indicating circulation in that area is lacking.
Stubborn trigger points in the muscle fibers are often addressed through static application of the cups, as is stimulation of acupressure points within the fascia. The cups can also be used in a gliding fashion. While static application is the most standard way, gliding is especially useful in freeing bound connective tissue. Often one approach is used over the other, depending on the situation being addressed.
$40/30 min.